New installation.
You may have seen, that RCNPP is working on the installation for our new stay inside the RCNPP-harbour.
Our crane has already been moved and hopefully the bar will soon be equipped.
But before we can move to the other side, a lot of works still have to be done. I.e.: enough fixing points in the ground for all our boats. In the meantime we will have to use the big crane in the old place. Please ask Joan or any of the sailing teacher to hand out the handle. It has always to be given back to them, to charge it. Should someone have no experience with this dangerous machine, please ask for introduction.
Wrong usage could damage your boat or others.
We are going to inform you here and on whatsapp as soon as RCNPP decides to move us to the new place.
RCNPP decided to move the Flying Fifteen fleet to the yachts area of RCNPP. Details coming soon.
RCNPP is planing new buildings on the Esplanada (the space where our boats are stored)
Article in Ultima Hora
The magazin TheIslander is publishing regularly articles about our Flying Fifteen group on Mallorca. Visit


OUR RESULTS of this season      (click here)

past regattas 2024 (older see Pollensa….)

Anuncio de Regata Camp Bal 2025